respecting our phases.
Despite much of our conditioning, the cycles of growth and learning (evolution) is not linear, we will cycle and spiral through many deaths and rebirths throughout time. Few of us educated on the cycles of nature, the deterioration and regeneration witnessed across all of life, not much different to the grief and elation experienced through the process of alchemising wounds.
Many ancient civilisations understood the cyclical nature of things. Accepting & melding with its natural rhythms and flows, the wanes and waxes of the moon, the shedding and regenerating of all life, and winters that inevitably move into Spring. They understood that every ascent begins with a descent, this message encoded in ancient stories and mythologies.
In todays world many of us are obsessed with one directional ascension, be it through constant achievement and progress in the material world or spiritually through the denial of the murkiness in our inner worlds, wanting to ascend out of the human experience, it’s no wonder we have parts that feel lost, fearful, broken, unworthy, unlovable, and even insane when entering the initiation of descent. The irony being, much of our potential and wisdom is born our intimacy with our deepest pain.
Our ascension (experienced as descension - spirit into matter) does not happen through denying our wounding or intense emotions. It happens through meeting it. Through loving the most fragmented, broken, shattered pieces of ourselves back into wholeness to reveal our true nature. We come to know that much of our light lives in the depths of the avoided and denied parts and if our intentions are to liberate it, we will have to trade our comfort for courage to confront our densest most vulnerable places.
If you are entering a next cycle, take heed in knowing through each phase comes the opportunity for rebirth. That’s the nature of things, it’s simply how we evolve. We can choose to embrace it or fight against its natural currents.
The choice is always ours.
Inspired by Camille W.
~ Jen