the universe is constantly providing us with opportUNITIES TO learn, grow and evolve.
In moments of challenge it can be easy loose sight of the bigger picture.
Yet, Life itself is always conspiring to move us towards growth and evolution. This is the very way of nature, you only have to venture into our forests to see it in action. There is always new growth, death and rebirth, without these flows nature itself would seize to exist and hence would we.
The experience of not getting what we think we want for example, can often be our greatest opportunities to welcome in new learning and growth.
Growth is often ( not always but often ) born out of the mud and our capacity to engage in deep self reflection and enquiry..
What can I learn here?
What opportunities are presenting to grow, review or even un become?
What is the universal mirror reflecting back to me? - is the outer world reflecting my inner world ?
For instance do I have beliefs around ? [insert chosen belief] and is the universe reflecting that back to me through experiences?
If so, how can work with these reflections to harmonise/heal and make space for a new experience?
Or on the flip side could there be something greater waiting for me that I cannot yet see? and can I simply surrender to that ?
This is all about being open to the opportunities that are presenting to grow, learn or even un become which is also governed by our capacity and openness to receive feedback through the universal mirror.
The magnitude of these experiences often escapes us. Resulting in overlooking the hidden gifts, gems on offer.
Our “superpower” lies in our capacity to both respond (as opposed to react) and surrender to the flows and currents of life itself; and all part of this wonderous existence within a benevolent universe, where learning, growth and evolution lie at its centre.
Keep loving & shining brightly